Image for Joel McInnes Joel McInnes
- Founder, FlexCareers

How to Create an Effective B2B Website

May 29, 2024

Creating an effective B2B website requires a strategic approach to engage potential clients, communicate your brand message, and drive conversions. Here are some top tips to consider: *Clearly Define Your Value Proposition*: Communicate what sets your business apart from competitors right on your homepage. Clearly articulate the benefits of your products or... Read More

What Is Digital Consultancy?

January 30, 2024

Digital consultancy is a dynamic and evolving field that plays a crucial role in helping organisations navigate the complexities of the digital landscape. As businesses increasingly rely on technology to drive growth and innovation, the need for expert guidance in leveraging digital tools and strategies becomes paramount. Digital consultants serve... Read More


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Kindleman is an elite team of web professionals. We make organisations better websites, services & online products.

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Kindleman's bread-and-butter comes from building and maintaining online services for organisations just like yours. We thrive on finding what is unique about your business, and giving it a new dimension online - where your customers can purchase, service and interact 24/7/365 - without you lifting a finger.

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